About Pretty Princess

PrettyPrincess.US is a website about everything from style & fashion, to beauty & health, to music, lifestyle, recreation, trends, and inspiration.


We are a group of friends who love fashion and shopping and girl stuff… and living an inspired life. We are passionate about positivity and about celebrating who you are, and we embrace the fun of having things in your life that make it more colorful, add to the celebration of your life, and fill it with enjoyment.


The PrettyPrincess.US SHOP section is a fun, inspired, online shopping experience. It's a gallery of great websites to shop at with store fronts for each site that offer style previews and descriptions of what you can find there. We also have style and tag galleries to help you narrow down to the stores that offer what you have in mind. You can go through our website and preview stores to see if they have the style, or kinds of products that you’re looking for, then you can click the “Shop This Store” link and have fun shopping! Whenever you're shopping online, you always know you can come back to PrettyPrincess.US and find great stores.


We're from Tennessee and California, so our voice is a mix of southern charm & west coast spirit. We blog about fashion & style we love, shopping & girl stuff that we adore, music that moves us, beauty from the inside out, embracing self-love and confidence, being inspired and creative, being random and silly, adventure and things we love to do, and just living life and having fun with it.
