In Girl Stuff & Accessories, Inspiration & Spirit

Etsy Shop Crush: Honey Verse Handmade

Handmade Jewelry From Etsy

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our Crush On The Honey Verse Handmade Etsy Shop

We're all inspired spirits, and we all love pretty little handmade things, so this Etsy Shop has us with our hearts-a-burst. The shop owner creates these magical handmade and personalized necklaces, bracelets, rings, lace tags, and herb & plant markers for the garden, and puts sweet and inspired phrases and symbols on them. Perfect gifts for special people in your life who you want to give a one of a kind gift to. Check out some of our favorite pieces, and check out her shop!

The Honey Verse Handmade Etsy Shop »

Handmade Personalized Jewelry

The Honey Verse Handmade Etsy Shop »

Handmade Personalized Jewelry

The Honey Verse Handmade Etsy Shop »

Handmade Personalized Jewelry

The Honey Verse Handmade Etsy Shop »

Handmade Personalized Jewelry

The Honey Verse Handmade Etsy Shop »

Handmade Personalized Jewelry

The Honey Verse Handmade Etsy Shop »

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